Major Ontologies/Thesauruses
BARTOC, Basic Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications
Many ontologies, thesauri and classifications are listed on BARTOC.
BARTOC also lists other registries
- Offer an Extensive API
Life Science
Ontology Lookup Service
Most ontologies for life sciences are listed by the Ontology Lookup Service.
As such, we will list only the major one here. Feel free to contact us (via a GitHub issue for instance) if you think one should be listed here.
- Offer an Extensive API
BioPortal, Biomedical Repository
Similarly, most biomedical ontologies are listed on BioPortal
- Offer an Extensive API
Major Ontologies
Gene Ontology, provides consistent descriptions of gene products across species.
Protein Ontology (PRO), describes protein forms and relationships between them
Plant Ontology (PO), provides structured vocabularies for plant anatomy and development
Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO), offers a standard vocabulary for phenotypic abnormalities in humans
Sequence Ontology (SO), provides terms to describe biological sequence features
For Health & Medical Sciences
For Environmental & Ecological Sciences
Community Ontology Repository
The Community Ontology Repository lists the Ontologies for Earth Sciences